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What is Orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is practised to improvise oral and facial muscle function which promotes Nasal breathing and improve oral rest postures and can align your teeth naturally.

Myofunctional therapy (OMT) gives us the holistically focused solution leads to a better lifestyle naturally.

Who need Myofunctional therapy?

Anybody with myofunctional disorder / misalign teeth issues can take up Myofunctional therapy, results are better and effective when it is done early with minimal symptoms.

Signs of Myofunctional Disorders:

  • Congestion/Mouth breathing
  • Open mouth posture at rest
  • Often struggles with cough and cold
  • Allergies
  • Dental crowding
  • Tongue tie
  • Drooling of saliva during sleep
  • Habits like thumb sucking, finger sucking, lip biting, nail biting
  • Audible breathing
  • Large tonsils and adenoids that blocks the airway
  • Teeth grinding
  • Restless sleep posture
  • Extended neck posture during sleep
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning

If you find any of the above symptoms are relevant with your child then it is advised to address it holistically and naturally with myofunctional therapy.

As a result, child will grow up with a beautiful facial features and properly functioning dentition.


At Breath & Bite, Dr. Shruthi Srinath is a certified Myofunctional therapist who can guide you through the treatment to get effective results.

Is this an alternate for braces/ aligners?

Yes, when you take up Myofunctional therapy it is not just aligning your teeth, your facial muscles are also corrected naturally and holistically, whereas, in Braces/Aligners treatment focusses only for your teeth. Chances of relapse is more when treated with braces and aligners.

Advantages of Myofunctional therapy over Braces

  • No metal attachments on your teeth
  • No food restriction
  • You can avoid relapse of your teeth after few years
  • Minimizes frequent visits to your Dentists
  • Mouth ulcers/pain
  • Avoid permanent markings on your teeth because of metal attachments.
  • Avoid extractions of natural teeth.
  • Avoid post treatment retainers.